
The Next-Generation Tool for Onchain Trading

Pioneering the non-custodial onchain trading paradigm, it ensures the secure storage of private keys directly within the user’s browser.


About DigammaWallet

DigammaWallet, an innovative browser extension, reimagines onchain trading. It offers a blend of rapid processing and robust security, with private keys exclusively managed within the user’s browser.
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Achieve rapid transactions with DigammaWallet. Our technology enables token purchases in seconds and offers quick asset disposition through an intuitive interface.

Enhanced Security

DigammaWallet prioritizes user security by adopting a non-custodial approach. Private keys are securely confined to the user’s browser, ensuring no external access.

Reliable Protection

Our platform is equipped to guard against modern onchain risks, including MEV attacks. Each transaction undergoes comprehensive pre-execution analysis to assure its success.

Distinctive Features

DigammaWallet distinguishes itself by ensuring user control and security, adhering to decentralized finance principles without compromising on efficiency.

Strategic Tokenomics

Carefully crafted to benefit our community and enhance our application’s functionality.
  • 80% of the total supply is allocated to the liquidity pool.
  • 10% reserved for strategic airdrops to our users.
  • 10% set aside for the team, vested over a period of 6 months.
  • Future Roadmap

    A commitment to expand and innovate.

    Chrome Extension Now Live

    Experience the seamless integration of onchain trading with our newly launched Chrome extension.


    Revolutionizing Onchain Trading

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